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Moi Travelogue: Ise

A Day with Ayaka

I spent my first day of summer vacation with her. Planned this two weeks ago with Wakana, another Japanese friend. She couldn't come with us since she was in Nagoya for another appointment. If she was there, I'm pretty sure we were wearing Yukata, a casual Japanese kimono.

Got there around 3 in the afternoon. It was a scorching hot day and so, we bought ice cream.

Roamed around Ise Naiku-mae Okage-yokocho. It's a street with lots of shops selling different things and delicacies.

Late afternoon, right after buying stuff at AEON Mall, it's time to head to Miyagawa or Miya River (as what I've understood of the name haha). Fireworks show started at 7 p.m. Arrived there around 6 and needed to walk for 30 minutes since it's crowded to park near the place.

Sorry if my I'm not good at capturing fireworks. Hahaha. I really wasn't satisfied to be honest. At least, I tried.


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