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I'm feeling 22!

Wondering about the title? I got it from the song of Taylor Swift because of the number 22. Haha. But really…I just turned 22 years old. So, let me share with you how I celebrated my birthday.

The day before my birthday, and that was Tuesday, I was assigned to work at the elementary school. After our class with the 2nd graders, the kids surprised me a hand-made medal with my drawn picture on it. I was touched by what they did because I really didn’t expect that people I am not really close with remembered my special day, and mind you, we only meet once or twice a month. See? A for effort! Then, in the evening, I had a private tutorial with Yuriko. She and her mom fetched me at home and gave me a birthday cake. But….their surprises weren’t over yet! Because my student, Yuriko, gave me a birthday letter. It was actually her homework because she was tasked to make a friendly letter to someone, and she planned to make it a friendly and a birthday letter at the same time. After our tutorial, her mom gave me gift certificates worth 3,000 yen. That’s how generous they are!

On the day of my special day, I was working at Junior High School. After the 4th period class, I was about to go out from school but one teacher called me to go back. There, they handed me the birthday cake and sang the song. I was very happy knowing that there are still people who care a lot when in fact, I was already expecting that it would be another ordinary day for me but I was wrong. After school, I went to a nearby restaurant ALONE. Yes. You read it right. Alone. I ate alone because my parents were working. But it wasn’t a big deal for me because we’re going to celebrate it anyway on Sunday and I really wanted to try eating alone during my birthday. It wasn’t bad after all ‘cause I got to spend time with myself, reading my newly bought book and the birthday letters, over lunch. In the evening, my father bought me a birthday cake and we waited mom to come home, for me to blow the candles and make wishes. My cousin, Jerely, suddenly came late at night and gave her birthday letters to me with her own composition of poem. So, that’s how I celebrated my birthday. I actually received three birthday cakes since yesterday. hahaha.

On Sunday, I and my aunt joined our birthday celebration together. We do it every year since my birthday is next to my aunt's. So, our birthday theme was kids’ basic party.

Life is full of surprises.

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