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Summer Lovin'

11th of August, my cousin called, telling me about our summer getaway the next day but then, I refused to go because we had to prepare for the pre-birthday celebration of my father. So, I told him to move it on Friday.

Moving on to Friday. Finally, it's time to unwind and feel the summer air! Yahoo! Summer season wouldn't be complete without getting a sun-kissed skin. Let's go to the beach, each! Let's go get away! (starships song playing. haha. K) It was sort of a long drive going to our destination. I was with my favorite company, my family. We arrived there around 9 in the morning and then, did the usual things that people do when at the beach.

Jonohama Beach

This is probably one of the most beautiful beaches I've been to. It was worth the long drive because apart from the natural beauty of the place, there's no entrance fee at all. We only paid for the parking space.


so sweet! LOL

I and my cousin, Jasperlyn, found an attractive spot to have a photoshoot. Perfect for selfies and jump shots. Lol.

Self-timer nailed it! Lol
Lovin' the background. Credits to Jasperlyn for the photo.

Enjoying the summer vacation before the classes resume in September. Yay!!!

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